Aokimono. kerberos ケルベロス T-Shirt

Aokimono. kerberos ケルベロス

It is a dog with the three heads. This is a porter of God although they are originally hell porters. 三つ頭の犬です。彼らは本来、地獄の門番ですが、これは神の門番です。

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It is a dog with the three heads. This is a porter of God althoug
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kanji simple 漢字 白 黒 white black vintage calligraphy brushed japanese nihongo numeral number zangyoninja aokimono circle round

Japan brushed difficult old Kanji [white face] Watch

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Japan brushed difficult old kanji [white face] large clock

This clock is made of white Japanese paper with Kanji c
kanji simple zangyoninja aokimono 漢字 白 黒 white black vintage calligraphy brushed japanese nihongo numeral number

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kanji simple zangyoninja aokimono 漢字 白 黒 white black vintage calligraphy brushed japanese nihongo numeral number

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kanji clock symbol sign phonetic japanese callygraphy zangyoninja aokimono brushed

Japan brushed kanji with round [black face] square large clock

This clock is made of black Japanese paper with Kanji c