The wild boar has ridden on the trike with Ms. goddess of eloquence, music, and wisdom.
金太郎の子孫です。グリズリーを従えている少女です。She is Kintaro's posterity. She is the girl currently followed by the grizzly.
She is the posterity of Urashimataro of the future who rode on the killer whale.
I guess it is eased and things will go in the borderless direction.
She is an upper ninja who rides a pink frog at a moonlight night. 月夜に蛙に乗って出現する忍者
The wild boar has ridden on the trike with Ms. goddess of eloquence, music, and wisdom.
It is a dog with the three heads. This is a porter of God although they are originally hell porters. 三つ頭の犬です。彼らは本来、地獄の門番ですが、これは神の門番です。
It is a dog with the three heads. This is a porter of God although they are originally hell porters. 三つ頭の犬です。彼らは本来、地獄の門番ですが、これは神の門番です。