It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 昔の漢数字の文字盤です。発音記号も記載しています。
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 昔の漢数字の文字盤です。発音記号も記載しています。
The face of the Zodiac clock. Pronunciation symbols and means are listed.
The face of the Zodiac clock. Pronunciation symbols and means are listed.
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 昔の漢数字の文字盤です。発音記号も記載しています。
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 昔の漢数字の文字盤です。発音記号も記載しています。
It is a Kanji character Board clock. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 漢字スタイルの時計です。
It is a Kanji character Board clock. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 漢字の文字盤の時計です。発音記号も記載しています。
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. 昔の漢数字の文字盤です。
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. 昔の漢数字の時計です。
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. The phonetic symbol is also indicated. 昔の漢数字の時計です。発音記号が記載しています。
It is a dial of an old Chinese numeral. The phonetic symbol is also indicated. 昔の漢数字の時計です。発音記号が記載しています。
It is a Kanji character Board clock. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 漢字の文字盤の時計です。発音記号も記載しています。
It is a Kanji character Board clock. Pronunciation symbols are listed. 漢字の文字盤の時計です。発音記号も記載しています。
I guess it is eased and things will go in the borderless direction.
The wild boar has ridden on the trike with Ms. goddess of eloquence, music, and wisdom.
The young man who rode on the chameleon walks along a pine tree.
It is a dog with the three heads. This is a porter of God although they are originally hell porters. 三つ頭の犬です。彼らは本来、地獄の門番ですが、これは神の門番です。