There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese), text color
A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedis
A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedis
Uma forma simples de dizer obrigado. Existem várias línguas diferentes do mesmo tipo.
Uma forma simples de dizer obrigado. Existem várias línguas diferentes do mesmo tipo.
Une façon simple de dire merci. Il existe plusieurs langues différentes du même type.
Una forma sencilla de dar las gracias. Hay varias lenguas diferentes del mismo tipo.
A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type.
Behave as you wish with innocence itself. Innocent and bright. Japanese says Ten-shin-ran-man.
Behave as you wish with innocence itself. Innocent and bright. Japanese says Ten-shin-ran-man.
easy and not involved or complicated. it is literal translation.