
circle takeda shingen 武田 信玄 sengoku period 戦国 時代 busho samurai 武将 闘将 猛将 kamon symbol family crests 家紋 rhombus diamond shape 菱 ひし形 military army flag ensign banner green グリーン 緑

[Family Crests] Takeda-bishi Classic Round Sticke Classic Round Sticker

Japanese says "Kamon". This is the famous family crest of Takeda Shingen.

circle takeda shingen 武田 信玄 sengoku period 戦国 時代 busho samurai 武将 闘将 猛将 kamon symbol family crests 家紋 rhombus diamond shape 菱 ひし形 military army flag ensign banner green グリーン 緑

[Family Crests] Takeda-bishi green Classic Round Sticker

Japanese says "Kamon". This is the famous family crest of Takeda Shingen.

blue green blue green japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol zangyoninja

[Kanji] blue green T-Shirt

it is a strong blue-green. R0 G127 B137 Japanese says heki.

blue green blue green japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol zangyoninja

[Kanji] blue green Long sleeves T-Shirt

it is a strong blue-green. R0 G127 B137 Japanese says heki.

blue green blue green green light japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol

[Kanji] blue green Raglan T-Shirt

it is a strong blue-green. R0 G127 B137 Japanese says heki.

character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono symbol symbolst 和食 日本食 おむすび おにぎり オニギリ ひらがな 平仮名 rice ball dish balls cooked food foods greens vegetable meat mixed often triangula onigiri omusubi

[Hiragana] Riceball T-Shirt

sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori Japanese calls Onigiri

pea green garden vegetable fabaceae japanese callygraphy brushed kanji symbol chinese characters 書 漢字 豌豆 エンドウ えんどう

[Kanji] pea T-Shirt

a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum with small white flowers and long green pods containing edible green seeds. Japanese calls En-Do.

pea green garden vegetable fabaceae japanese callygraphy brushed kanji symbol

[Kanji] pea Hoodie

a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum with small white flowers and long green pods containing edible green seeds. Japanese calls En-Do.

malachite green copper ore japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters

[Kanji] malachite T-Shirt

a green or blue mineral used as an ore of copper and for making ornamental objects. Japanese calls Ku-Jaku-Ishi.

malachite green copper ore japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters

[Kanji] malachite Raglan T-Shirt

a green or blue mineral used as an ore of copper and for making ornamental objects. Japanese calls Ku-Jaku-Ishi.

color blue green light japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 水浅葱 みずあさぎ

[Kanji] Mizuasagi color T-Shirt

Japanese calls Mizu-Asa-Gi. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #80aba9 R:128 G:171 B:169, C:25% M:0% Y:1% K:33%

color blue green light japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters

[Kanji] Mizuasagi color Hoodie

Japanese calls Mizu-Asa-Gi. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #80aba9 R:128 G:171 B:169, C:25% M:0% Y:1% K:33%

color blue green light japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters

[Kanji] Mizuasagi color long sleeves T-Shirt

Japanese calls Mizu-Asa-Gi. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #80aba9 R:128 G:171 B:169, C:25% M:0% Y:1% K:33%

color blue green japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書

[Kanji] Hanarokusho color T-Shirt

Japanese calls Hana-Roku-Sho. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #00a381 R:0 G:163 B:129, C:100% M:0% Y:21% K:36%

color blue green japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書

[Kanji] Hanarokusho color (white letters) T-Shirt

Japanese calls Hana-Roku-Sho. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #00a381 R:0 G:163 B:129, C:100% M:0% Y:21% K:36%

color blue green japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書

[Kanji] Hanarokusho color (black letters) T-Shirt

Japanese calls Hana-Roku-Sho. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #00a381 R:0 G:163 B:129, C:100% M:0% Y:21% K:36%

poker ice green tea red bean paste mike chinese characters japanese callygraphy kanji 書 漢字 かき氷 抹茶 金時 練乳

[Kanji] Matcha azuki milk T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ma-Cha-Kin-Toki-Ren-Nyu". It is Poker ice with Green tea and Red bean paste and Mike Syrup in Japan.

ice green tea red bean paste mike characters zangyoninja shaved ice

[Kanji] Matcha azuki milk long sleeves T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ma-Cha-Kin-Toki-Ren-Nyu". It is Poker ice with Green tea and Red bean paste and Mike Syrup in Japan.

character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono koioai カンジ 漢字 カラー ai こん 紺 ネイビー 藍 色 deep indigo green iro colors blacked deeply purplish color deepest purple kon

[Kanji] Navy blue color Hoodie

Japanese says "Kon".

green colors chinese characters japanese callygraphy kanji 書 漢字 緑 ミドリ みどり st patrick's day

[Kanji] Green color Hoodie

Japanese says "Midori".

green colors chinese characters japanese callygraphy kanji 書 漢字 緑

[Kanji] Green color T-Shirt

Japanese says "Midori".

character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono カンジ 漢字 あお 青 ブルー 色 clear indigo green colors water leaves grow plants color ao aoi

[Kanji] Blue Hoodie

Japanese says "Ao" or "Sei".

character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono カンジ 漢字 あお 青 ブルー 色 clear indigo green colors water leaves grow plants color ao aoi

[Kanji] Blue (white letter) T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ao" or "Sei".

character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono カンジ 漢字 あお 青 ブルー 色 clear indigo green colors water leaves grow plants color ao aoi

[Kanji] Blue long sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ao" or "Sei".

symbol symbols hot pot character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono すきやき 和食 日本食 すき焼き スキヤキ 鋤焼 漢字 cook soy sauce beef thin food foods sukiyaki greens vegetable

[Kanji] Sukiyaki T-Shirt

Thin beef strips cooked briefly at the table with onions, greens and soy sauce.

symbol symbols hot pot character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono すきやき 和食 日本食 すき焼き スキヤキ 鋤焼 漢字 cook soy sauce beef thin food foods sukiyaki greens vegetable

[Kanji] Sukiyaki T-Shirt

Thin beef strips cooked briefly at the table with onions, greens and soy sauce.