
april fool エープリルフール zangyoninja brushed kanji handwriting japanese calligraphy 1st april fake content event day nonull

[Kanji] April fool's day T-Shirt

It's chinese letters. It's called "Man gu sai" in Japanese.

april fool エープリルフール zangyoninja brushed kanji handwriting japanese calligraphy 1st april fake content event day nonull

[Kanji] April fool T-Shirt

It's chinese letters. It's called "Man gu sai" in Japanese.

angel role player faker sham pseudo fake shammer fraud pseud

[Katakana + Kanji] Pe + Angel T-Shirt

This is a coined word. 天使 is Angel. but If the first character is attached ぺ to it you can read the swindler. Japanese can says Pe-Ten-Shi.

angel role player faker sham pseudo fake shammer fraud pseud

[Katakana + Kanji] Pe + Angel V-neck T-Shirt

This is a coined word. 天使 is Angel. but If the first character is attached ぺ to it you can read the swindler. Japanese can says Pe-Ten-Shi.

false phony bogus fake phoney bastard japanese callygraphy brushed kanji

[Kanji] False T-Shirt

Japanese calls E-Se.

false phony bogus fake phoney bastard japanese callygraphy brushed kanji

[Kanji] False Hoodie

Japanese calls E-Se.