a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Kakari-Cho.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Kakari-Cho.
a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Ji-Cho.
a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Ji-Cho.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Ka-Cho.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Ka-Cho.
a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Bu-Cho.
a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Bu-Cho.
an executive vice officer of a firm or corporation. the vice leader of a group meeting. Japanese calls Fuku-Sha-Cho.
an executive vice officer of a firm or corporation. the vice leader of a group meeting. Japanese calls Fuku-Sha-Cho.