top seat

chief head chairman governor president top student top seat first desk prexy headman captain japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol chinese characters 書 筆文字 習字 墨文字 漢字 主席 しゅせき

[Kanji] chief T-Shirt

1 the leader of a group of people. 2 the head of a tribe or clan. 3 the head administrative officer of a college or university. Japanese says shu-seki.

chief head chairman governor top student top seat first desk prexy headman zangyoninja

[Kanji] chief Long sleeves T-Shirt

1 the leader of a group of people. 2 the head of a tribe or clan. 3 the head administrative officer of a college or university. Japanese says shu-seki.

symbol symbols character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written ゆうせん ゆうせんせき 漢字 優先席 yusen yusenseki yuusen courtesy provied encourages elderly pregnant women infants poorly ill

[Kanji] priority seat T-Shirt

priority seat for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women. Japanese says yu-sen-seki.

symbol symbols character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written ゆうせん ゆうせんせき 漢字 優先席 yusen yusenseki yuusen courtesy provied encourages elderly pregnant women infants poorly ill

[Kanji] priority seat Hoodie

priority seat for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women. Japanese says yu-sen-seki.

deep seated deep seated grudge malice hatred chinese characters japanese callygraphy kanji 書 漢字 怨念 おんねん

[Kanji] deep‐seated grudge Hoodie

Japanese calls On-Nen. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation. feeling a need to see others suffer.

deep seated deep seated grudge malice hatred chinese characters japanese callygraphy

[Kanji] deep‐seated grudge T-Shirt

Japanese calls On-Nen. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation. feeling a need to see others suffer.