It is written for New Year's cards regardless of the zodiac signs that change every year. 年賀状用に書いたものです。毎年使えるように干支は関係なく使えます。
New York in Japanese Kanji. "紐約" is in Chinese Kanji. It is a formal Japanese Kanji character that is also in the dictionary. It's a colloquial Chine
New York in Japanese Kanji. "紐約" is in Chinese Kanji. It is a formal Japanese Kanji character that is also in the dictionary. It's a colloquial Chine
Japanese says "Ei-Yo-Ei-Ka". I pray that flourish in the ornate.
wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump.
Japanese says "Kei-Ki-Man-Puku". Many happy, be happy, be good there would hope and will.
Japanese says "Kei-Ki-Man-Puku". Many happy, be happy, be good there would hope and will.
Japanese says "Ei-Ju-Ka-fuku". Best wishes good luck and longevity.
Japanese says "Ei-Ju-Ka-fuku". Best wishes good luck and longevity.
Japanese says "Ei-Ju-Ka-fuku". Best wishes good luck and longevity.
This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning.
Japanese says "Ma Ten Rou". It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary.
Japanese says "Ma Ten Rou". It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary.