
mandala buddhist visual schema enlightened mind japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 曼荼羅 曼陀羅 まんだら マンダラ

[Kanji] mandala Hoodie

Japanese calls Man-Da-Ra Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind

mandala buddhist visual schema enlightened mind japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 曼荼羅 曼陀羅 まんだら マンダラ

[Kanji] mandala T-Shirt

Japanese calls Man-Da-Ra Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind

having presence mind possessed imperturbable calm charactors japanese callygraphy 泰然自若

[Kanji] having presence of mind. T-Shirt

Japanese says "Tai-Zen-Ji-Jaku".

symbol symbols character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters いしんでんしん 以心伝心 漢字 きずな 絆 communion mind sympathy communicate heart to convey profound without explained language tacit abtle 四字熟語 idiom

[Kanji] tacit understanding long sleeve T-Shirt

communion of mind with mind Japanese says "I Shin Den Shin".

symbol symbols character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters いしんでんしん 以心伝心 漢字 きずな 絆 communion mind sympathy communicate heart to convey profound without explained language tacit abtle 四字熟語 idiom

[Kanji] tacit understanding telepathy T-Shirt

communion of mind with mind Japanese says "I Shin Den Shin".

progressive reformist reform minded kanji chinese character 漢字 変化

[Kanji] progressive long sleeves T-Shirt

Japanese says "Shin Po Teki".

progressive reformist reform minded kanji chinese character 漢字 変化

[Kanji] progressive T-Shirt

Japanese says "Shin Po Teki".

symbol symbols character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written たましい タマシイ 漢字 魂 tamashii âme anima seele animo body mind tamashi cuerpo mente écouter corps

[Kanji] Soul, Spirit Hoodie

Japanese says "Tama-shi-i".

symbol symbols character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written たましい タマシイ 漢字 魂 tamashii âme anima seele animo body mind tamashi cuerpo mente écouter corps

[Kanji] Soul, Spirit long sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese says "Tama-shi-i".

symbol symbols character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written たましい タマシイ 漢字 魂 tamashii âme anima seele animo body mind tamashi cuerpo mente écouter corps

[Kanji] Soul, Spirit T-Shirt

Japanese says "Tama-shi-i".