
coined word kanji hiragana japanese zangyoninja for men nihon nihongo in japan letter letters character characters meat soup

[Kanji + Hiragana] my gravy Hoodie

It is coined word. That is means my hot sweat or my hot sperm. Japanese says ore-no-niku-jiru.

meat girl woman thick fat meatball meat woman japanese callygraphy handwriting

[Kanji] meat girl T-Shirt

It's coined word. It's person who likes meat, fat woman and thick woman. we can say Niku-ko.

meat girl woman thick fat meatball meat woman japanese callygraphy handwriting

[Kanji] meat girl v-neck T-Shirt

It's coined word. It's person who likes meat, fat woman and thick woman. we can says Niku-ko.

meat man thick fat meatball meat man japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol chinese characters 書 筆文字 習字 墨文字 漢字 肉男 にくお

[Kanji] meat man T-Shirt

It's coined word. It's person who likes meat, fat man and thick man.

meat man thick fat meatball japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed nikuo にくお 肉男

[Kanji] meat man Hoodie

It's coined word. It's person who likes meat, fat man and thick man.

yakiniku roast meat japanese callygraphy brushed grilled grill nihongo nihon in hand writing handwriting wrote letters letter pork beef chicken

[Kanji] Yakiniku T-Shirt

Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue. Japanese says yaki-niku.

yakiniku roast meat japanese callygraphy brushed grilled grill nihongo nihon in hand writing handwriting wrote letters letter pork beef chicken

[Kanji] Yakiniku long sleeves T-Shirt

Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue. Japanese says yaki-niku.

character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono symbol symbolst 和食 日本食 おむすび おにぎり オニギリ ひらがな 平仮名 rice ball dish balls cooked food foods greens vegetable meat mixed often triangula onigiri omusubi

[Hiragana] Riceball T-Shirt

sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori Japanese calls Onigiri