
asia southeast asia country kanji characters 国 letters nihongo japanese シンガポール 漢字 旗 マーク flag mark symbol

[Kanji] Singapore long sleeves T-Shirt

It is a formal Chinese character published in the dictionary.

asia southeast asia country kanji characters 国 letters nihongo japanese シンガポール 漢字 旗 マーク flag mark symbol

[Kanji] Singapore T-Shirt

It is a formal Chinese character published in the dictionary.

patsy soft touch sucker gull fall guy mug chump fool mark kanji

[Kanji] fool T-Shirt

Japanese says "Oroka Mono" or "Gu Sya".

patsy soft touch sucker gull fall guy mug chump fool mark kanji

[Kanji] fool Raglan T-Shirt

Japanese says "Oroka Mono" or "Gu Sya".