White hearts shaped gratitude in kanji which on thank you so much as golden background. This Japanese Kanji and English have identical meanings.
Pink hearts shaped gratitude in kanji which on thank you so much as sky-blue letters. This Japanese Kanji and English have identical meanings.
It is written for New Year's cards regardless of the zodiac signs that change every year. 年賀状用に書いたものです。毎年使えるように干支は関係なく使えます。
Japanese said Kan-sha. Red heart shaped thank you so much in kanji Heart Sticker.
Japanese says "Ei-Yo-Ei-Ka". I pray that flourish in the ornate.
It's in Japanese Hiragana with calligraphy style. Japanese says o-ta-n-jo-bi-o-me-de-to-u.
White hearts shaped thank you so much in kanji (感謝).
in kanji wrapping paper Pink hearts shaped thank you so much in kanji (感謝).
White heart shaped thank you so much in kanji Heart Sticker. Japanese says "Kan-sha".
Japan call Kan-sha. Red heart shaped thank you so much in kanji Heart Sticker.
Japanese says Kan-sha. Pink heart shaped thank you so much in kanji Heart Sticker.
Red heart shaped thank you so much in kanji (感謝).
White heart shaped thank you so much in kanji (感謝).
Pink heart shaped thank you so much in kanji (感謝)
Pink hearts shaped thank you so much in kanji (感謝).
Japanese says "Kei-Ki-Man-Puku". Many happy, be happy, be good there would hope and will.
Japanese says "Kei-Ki-Man-Puku". Many happy, be happy, be good there would hope and will.
Japanese says "Ei-Ju-Ka-fuku". Best wishes good luck and longevity.
Japanese says "Ei-Ju-Ka-fuku". Best wishes good luck and longevity.
Japanese says "Ei-Ju-Ka-fuku". Best wishes good luck and longevity.
front : I like you in Japanese Katakana. Back : I like you in Japanese Kanji and Hiragana.
front : I like you in Japanese Katakana. Back : I like you in Japanese Kanji and Hiragana.
front : I love you in Japanese Katakana. Back : I love you in Japanese Kanji and Hiragana.
front : I love you in Japanese Katakana. Back : I love you in Japanese Kanji and Hiragana.