
nirvana enlightenment buddhism japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 涅槃 ねはん ネハン ニルバーナ

[Kanji] nirvana Hoodie

the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation. Japanese calls Ne-Han.

nirvana enlightenment buddhism japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 涅槃 ねはん ネハン ニルバーナ

[Kanji] nirvana T-Shirt

the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation. Japanese calls Ne-Han.

mandala buddhist visual schema enlightened mind japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 曼荼羅 曼陀羅 まんだら マンダラ

[Kanji] mandala Hoodie

Japanese calls Man-Da-Ra Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind

mandala buddhist visual schema enlightened mind japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 曼荼羅 曼陀羅 まんだら マンダラ

[Kanji] mandala T-Shirt

Japanese calls Man-Da-Ra Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind