
japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー someone friend children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to Someone with flaxleaf Cake Topper

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can change the name, so please change the name of the recipient.

japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー someone friend children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to XXX with flax-leaf Cake Topper

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can change the name, so please change the name of the recipient.

war fight callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol ikusa tatakai いくさ バトル vintage old character symbol japanese nihongo

[Kanji] Battle as classic letter Long Apron

It is a Kanji that old Japanese were using. Japanese says Ikusa. It's same means "戦".

japanese kanji egg rice cooked brushed kanji penmanship kanji calligraphy kanji tokyo2020 親子丼 oyakodon japanese japanese food

[Kanji] bowl of rice with chicken and egg Tshirts

a bowl of rice with (soy‐and‐sugar‐seasoned) chicken, egg, and vegetables. Japan calls "Oyakodon".

親子丼 beushed kanji penmanship kanji japanese kanji donburi kanji egg rice cooked kanji kanji calligraphy japanese food tokyo2020 oyakodon

[Kanji] bowl of rice with chicken and egg T-Shirt

a bowl of rice with (soy‐and‐sugar‐seasoned) chicken, egg, and vegetables. japanese says "oyakodon".

japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed symbol calligraphy party hiragana nihongo celebration

[Hiragana] happy birthday Cake Topper

Japanese says o-ta-n-jo-bi-o-me-de-to-u.

taste home cooking mom mom's japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji

[Hiragana + Kanji] taste of home cooking Towel

mom's home cooking. taste of mom's cooking. food like mom used to make. Japanese says o-fu-ku-ro-no-aji.

taste home cooking mom mom's japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji

[Hiragana + Kanji] taste of home cooking T-Shirt

mom's home cooking. taste of mom's cooking. food like mom used to make. Japanese says o-fu-ku-ro-no-aji.

character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono symbol symbolst 和食 日本食 おむすび おにぎり オニギリ ひらがな 平仮名 rice ball dish balls cooked food foods greens vegetable meat mixed often triangula onigiri omusubi

[Hiragana] Riceball T-Shirt

sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori Japanese calls Onigiri

ufo unidentified flying object chinese charactors japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 ユーフォー

[Kanji] UFO Adult Apron

Japanese says "Mi-Kaku-Nin Hi-Ko-Bu-Tai".

love chinese charactors japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 愛 ラヴ ラブ

[Kanji] Love Adult Apron

Japanese says “Ai”.

samurai edo name warrior militaly chinese charactors japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 侍 サムライ aristocracy

[Kanji] Samurai Adult Apron

A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

samurai edo name warrior militaly chinese charactors japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 侍 サムライ aristocracy

[Kanji] Samurai Adult Apron

A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

samurai edo name warrior militaly chinese charactors japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 侍 サムライ aristocracy

[Kanji] Samurai Adult Apron

A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

soccer football callygraphy nihongo nihon japan characters かがわ カガワ family

[Kanji] Kagawa as Japanese name Adult Apron

1. A name of a prefecture of Japan. 2. A Japanese famous soccer player.

morimoto name soccer football italy catania chinese charactors japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 森本 もりもと モリモト

[Kanji] Morimoto Kids' Apron

A Japanese famous soccer player.

symbol symbols hot pot character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono すきやき 和食 日本食 すき焼き スキヤキ 鋤焼 漢字 cook soy sauce beef thin food foods sukiyaki greens vegetable

[Kanji] Sukiyaki T-Shirt

Thin beef strips cooked briefly at the table with onions, greens and soy sauce.

symbol symbols hot pot character characters japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono すきやき 和食 日本食 すき焼き スキヤキ 鋤焼 漢字 cook soy sauce beef thin food foods sukiyaki greens vegetable

[Kanji] Sukiyaki T-Shirt

Thin beef strips cooked briefly at the table with onions, greens and soy sauce.