Japanese says "Kusare-en". It means a relationship that you can't leave even if you try to leave, but if you take it positively, it means a long-stand
Japanese says "Kusare-en". It means a relationship that you can't leave even if you try to leave, but if you take it positively, it means a long-stand
a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. Japanese says Tomo-Dachi.
a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. Japanese says Tomo-Dachi.
a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. Japanese says Tomo-Dachi.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Kakari-Cho.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Kakari-Cho.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Kakari-Cho.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Kakari-Cho.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Kakari-Cho-Ho-Sa.
a person responsible for the unit of a business. Japanese calls Kakari-Cho-Ho-Sa.
a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Ji-Cho.
a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Ji-Cho.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Ka-Cho.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Fuku-Ka-Cho.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Ka-Cho-Ho-Sa.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Ka-Cho-Ho-Sa.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Ka-Cho.
a person responsible for the section of a business. Japanese calls Ka-Cho.
an executive officer of a firm or corporation. the leader of a group meeting. Japanese calls Sha-Cho.
an executive officer of a firm or corporation. the leader of a group meeting. Japanese calls Sha-Cho.
someone who administers a business. member of a board of directors. Japanese calls Tori-Shimari-Yaku.
someone who administers a business. member of a board of directors. Japanese calls Tori-Shimari-Yaku.
Japanese says “Sai-Ko Gi-Jutsu-Seki-Nin-Sha”.
Japanese says “Sai-Ko Gi-Jutsu-Seki-Nin-Sha”.
Japanese says “Sai-Ko Kei-Ei-Seki-Nin-Sha”.
Japanese says “Sai Ko Kei Ei Seki Nin Sya”.
Japanese says “Sai Ko Kei Ei Seki Nin Sya”.