It is a Kanji that old Japanese were using. Additional numbers as kanji and zodiac kanji on inside.
It is a Kanji that old Japanese were using. Japanese says Ikusa. It's same means "戦." Additional numbers as pronkanji and zodiac kanji on inside.
Japanese says shu-kyu-bu. You can change English letters to customize, "Japan high school...." for example letters.
It is a formal japanese kanji symbols that published in the dictionary.
This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name.
Japanese says tei-kyu-bu. front is "tei kyu". You can change English letters.
Japanese says "hai kyu bu". front is "hai kyu". You can change English letters.
Japanese says ro-kyu-(bu) front is "ro kyu". You can change English letters.
containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal. Japanese says koku-tetsu-iro.
a republic on the northwestern coast of Africa. republic of guinea-bissau.
a group of about 1,200 small coral islands (about 220 inhabited) in the Indian ocean. a republic on the Maldive Islands.
a grand duchy (a constitutional monarchy) landlocked in northwestern Europe between France and Belgium and Germany.
1.the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others 2.a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business t
Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles.
widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root. any of several widely cultivated plants having edible roots. root of any of several m
a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China. medium-sized largely seedless mandarin orange with thin smooth skin. Japanese calls Mi-Kan.
a person who comes from a foreign country. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found. Japanese calls Gai-Jin.
someone who administers a business. member of a board of directors. Japanese calls Tori-Shimari-Yaku.
fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh. Japanese calls Rin-Go.
Japanese calls Hana-Roku-Sho. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #00a381 R:0 G:163 B:129, C:100% M:0% Y:21% K:36%
Japanese signboard style. Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese
Japanese signboard style A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.
a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley
Japanese calls Ou Gyoku. a mineral that occurs in crystals of various colors and is used as a gemstone
Japanese says "Kiku-Jin". This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #6e7955 R:110 G:121 B:85 C:9% M:0% Y:30% K:53%
Japanese says "Kuwa-Zome". This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #b79b5b R:183 G:155 B:91 C:0% M:15% Y:50% K:28%
Japanese says "Togi-Nezu". This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #e4d2d8 R:228 G:210 B:216 C:0% M:8% Y:5% K:11%
Japanese says "Murasaki". Long ago, in Japan had said high color.
It is a formal Japanese Kanji character published in the dictionary.
a professional spy (in feudal Japan) highly trained in stealth and secrecy.
Japanese says “Sai Ko Kei Ei Seki Nin Sya”.