
congratulations your marriage wedding congratulations on your marriage japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol chinese characters 書 筆文字 習字 墨文字 ひらがな 平仮名 ごけっこんおめでとうございます

[Hiragana] Congratulations on your marriage Sandstone Coaster

Japanese says go-ke-k-ko-n o-me-de-to go-za-i-ma-su

japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed symbol calligraphy party hiragana nihongo celebration

[Hiragana] happy birthday Coaster

Japanese says o-ta-n-jo-bi-o-me-de-to-u.

beverages apples charactors nihon nihongo letter letters fruit fruits calligraphy food foods りんご リンゴ japan japanese

[Kanji] Apple Hoodie

fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh. Japanese calls Rin-Go.

beverages apples charactors nihon nihongo letter letters fruit fruits calligraphy food foods りんご リンゴ japan japanese

[Kanji] Apple T-Shirt

fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh. Japanese calls Rin-Go.

beverages apples charactors nihon nihongo letter letters fruit fruits calligraphy food foods りんご リンゴ japan japanese

[Kanji] Apple (black letters) T-Shirt

fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh. Japanese calls Rin-Go.

samurai edo name armor warrior militaly japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 侍 さむらい サムライ 江戸 鎧

[Kanji] Samurai Yoroi style Beverage Coaster

Japanese Yoroi (armor) style like a golden moon. A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

samurai edo name armor warrior militaly japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 侍 さむらい サムライ 江戸 鎧

[Kanji] Samurai Yoroi style Coaster

Japanese Yoroi (armor) style. A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

samurai edo name warrior militaly japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese

[Kanji] Samurai signboard style with red letter Drink Coaster

Japanese signboard style. A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

samurai edo name warrior militaly japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese

[Kanji] Samurai signboard style with white letter Coaster

Japanese signboard style. A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

samurai edo name warrior militaly japanese callygraphy brushed kanji chinese characters 書 漢字 侍 さむらい サムライ 江戸

[Kanji] Samurai signboard style Drink Coaster

Japanese signboard style. A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.

beverages drinks japanese callygraphy コーヒー nihongo hand writing cafe suger characters

[Kanji] Coffee T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ko-hi".

beverages apples charactors nihon nihongo letter letters fruit fruits calligraphy food foods りんご リンゴ japan japanese

[Kanji] Apple by vertical T-Shirt

Japanese says "Rin-Go"