native language zangyoninja multi-lingual 多言語 筆記体 express gratitude simple methods delivering heart friends lovers pal consumers customers family parents siblings

Heart shaped thank you in 8 languages Foil Tag

There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese), text color

native language zangyoninja multi-lingual 多言語 筆記体 express gratitude simple methods delivering heart friends lovers pal consumers customers family parents siblings

Heart shaped thank you in 8 languages calligraphy heart sticker

A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedis

native language zangyoninja multi-lingual 多言語 筆記体 express gratitude simple methods delivering heart friends lovers pal consumers customers family parents siblings

Heart shaped thank you in 8 languages calligraphy favor tags

A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedis

língua materna zangyoninja multilingue 多言語 筆記体 manifestar gratidão modo simples entregar coração amigos amantes pal consumidores clientes família pais irmãos

Agradecimento em forma de coração (masculina) favor tags

Uma forma simples de dizer obrigado. Existem várias línguas diferentes do mesmo tipo.

língua materna zangyoninja multilingue 多言語 筆記体 manifestar gratidão modo simples entregar coração amigos amantes pal consumidores clientes família pais irmãos

Agradecimento em forma de coração (feminina) favor tags

Uma forma simples de dizer obrigado. Existem várias línguas diferentes do mesmo tipo.

modersmål zangyoninja flerspråkig 多言語 筆記体 uttrycka tacksamhet enkelt sätt att göra levererar hjärtat vänner älskare kompis konsumenter kunder familj föräldrar syskon

Hjärtat klippt tack som rosa kalligrafi favor tags

Ett enkelt sätt att säga tack. Det finns flera olika språk av samma slag.

moedertaal zangyoninja meertalig 多言語 筆記体 iemands dankbaarheid uiten simpele manier levering hart vrienden geliefden vriend consumenten klanten familie eltern geschwister

Hartvormige bedankjes in roze kalligrafie favor tags

Een eenvoudige manier om je te bedanken. Er zijn verschillende talen van hetzelfde type.

日本語 ひらがな japanese hiragana 筆記体 筆文字 zangyoninja 多言語 感謝 伝える カンタン 簡単 友 ともだち 彼 彼女 とっも コンシューマ クライアント ママ パパ ファミリー 家族 姉妹

ハート型の筆記体でありがとう FAVOR TAGS

シンプルに感謝を伝える。 同じ「ありがとう」で、違う言語のものが幾つかあります。

muttersprache zangyoninja mehrsprachig 多言語 筆記体 seine dankbarkeit ausdrücken einfache art die lieferung herz freunde liebhaber kumpel verbraucher kunden

Herzförmiges Dankeschön als rosa Kalligraphie Favor Tags

Eine einfache Art, Danke zu sagen. Es gibt mehrere verschiedene Sprachen desselben Typs.

langue maternelle zangyoninja multilingue 多言語 筆記体 exprimer gratitude manière simple livrer œur ouvert amis amants pal consommateurs clients famille parents frères sœurs

Remerciements en cœur calligraphiés en rose favor tags

Une façon simple de dire merci. Il existe plusieurs langues différentes du même type.

lengua materna zangyoninja multilingüe 多言語 筆記体 expresar gratitud forma simple llegar corazón amigos amantes pal consumidores clientes familia padres hermanos

Gracias con forma de corazón y caligrafía rosa favor tags

Una forma sencilla de dar las gracias. Hay varias lenguas diferentes del mismo tipo.

native language zangyoninja multi-lingual 多言語 筆記体 express gratitude simple methods delivering heart friends lovers pal consumers customers family parents siblings

Heart shaped thank you as pink calligraphy favor tags

A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type.

busho samurai 武将 闘将 猛将 kamon symbol family crests 家紋 military army flag ensign banner gold 金 golden 金色 muromachi sengoku period 室町 戦国 grape vine leaf ブドウ fruit フルーツ rare plant plants 植物

[Family Crests] Two grapes Classic Round Sticker

Family crests is "Kamon" in Japanese said. The grape crest is a very rare pattern that came from the continent.

busho samurai 武将 闘将 猛将 kamon symbol family crests 家紋 military army flag ensign banner gold 金 golden 金色 muromachi sengoku period 室町 戦国 grape vine leaf ブドウ fruit フルーツ rare plant plants 植物

[Family Crests] Two grapes Classic Round Sticker

Family crests is "Kamon" in Japanese said. The grape crest is a very rare pattern that came from the continent.

sengoku period 戦国 時代 busho samurai 武将 闘将 猛将 kamon symbol family crests 家紋 military army flag ensign banner gold 金 golden 金色 letter symbol kanji 漢字 mitsunari ishida 石田 三成 旗印 happy one for all ワンフォーオール 大吉 万人 people

[Family Crests] Ishida Mitsunari flag symbol Classic Round Sticker

Japanese says "Kamon". It is a Kanji characters symbol that was raised as a war flag by a military commander named Mitsunari Ishida during the Warring

sengoku period 戦国 時代 busho samurai 武将 闘将 猛将 kamon symbol family crests 家紋 military army flag ensign banner gold 金 golden 金色 letter symbol kanji 漢字 mitsunari ishida 石田 三成 旗印 happy one for all ワンフォーオール 大吉 万人 people

[Family Crests] Ishida Mitsunari flag symbol Round Classic Round Sticker

Japanese says "Kamon". It is a Kanji characters symbol that was raised as a war flag by a military commander named Mitsunari Ishida during the Warring

japanese callygraphy hand writing symbol hiragana traditional japan script characters letters children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to Someone Foil Favor Tags

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can change the name and message.

party banquet feast japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol character home

[Kanji] party Postcard

an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment Japanese says Utage.

charactors japanese callygraphy letters nihongo kanji 漢字 honor privilege glory privelege prestige homare ほまれ ホマレ 栄誉 名誉 栄光 功績 評判 one character letter

[Kanji] honour as red character Acrylic Award

Japanese says "Homare" in Kanji.

nihongo hand writing brushed written japan japanese letter letters righteousness right righteous officer onepiece marshal navy general character characters lawyer teacher officer counsel 漢字 せいぎ 弁護士 教師 政治家 counselor 警察官 jurist 法律家

[Kanji] justice Business Card

it's said "Seigi" in Japanese kanji on background.

charactors japanese nihongo kanji 漢字 ichi ban top no1 most 一番 イチバン いちばん ファースト ナンバーワン トップ はじめ symbol number one 1st ナンバー イチ ワン marketing sales consultant web マーケティング セールス コンサルタント 中小企業診断士

[Kanji] Aiming for the best Business Card

Number one, first and Ichiban in Japanese Kanji

thank you thanks kanji japanese shapes greeting thanks kansha かんしゃ shaped kanji grateful recognition golden

[GOLD] Heart shaped gratitude in kanji on thank U Wrapping Paper

White hearts shaped gratitude in kanji which on thank you so much as golden background. This Japanese Kanji and English have identical meanings.

thank you thanks kanji japanese shapes greeting shaped love thanks kansha かんしゃ shaped kanji grateful recognition

Heart shaped gratitude in kanji on thank you so wrapping paper

Pink hearts shaped gratitude in kanji which on thank you so much as sky-blue letters. This Japanese Kanji and English have identical meanings.

japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー someone friend children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to Someone with flaxleaf Cake Topper

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can change the name, so please change the name of the recipient.

japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol hiragana traditional japan script characters letters someone friend children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日 shippo 七宝 しっぽう 柄 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to X with Shippo pattern Ornament

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can change the name, so please change the name of the recipient.

japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー someone friend children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to Someone with flaxleaf Ceramic Ornament

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can change the name, so please change the name of the recipient.

callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol vintage old character symbol japanese nihongo characters letters old difficult complex

[Kanji] Shogun as classic letter and numbers Black Round Clock

It is a Kanji that old Japanese were using. Additional numbers as kanji and zodiac kanji on inside.

amount price callygraphy handwriting brushed symbol free letters characters japanese katakana hiragana kanji

[Kanji] free amount T-Shirt

Japanese called Muryo in Kanji, Tada in Katakana and Hiragana. All same mean for price of free and free amount.

amount price callygraphy handwriting brushed symbol free letters characters japanese katakana hiragana kanji

[Kanji] free amount Hoodie

Japanese called Muryo in Kanji, Tada in Katakana and Hiragana. All same mean for price of free and free amount.

drunkard heavy drinker callygraphy brushed kanji characters のんべえ 酒 japanese nihongo letter letters 漢字 日本語

[Kanji] heavy drinker Hoodie

Japanese calls Nonbe.

drunkard heavy drinker callygraphy brushed kanji characters nihongo japanese letter letters 漢字 日本語 のんべえ 酒

[Kanji] heavy drinker T-Shirt

Japanese calls Nonbe.

japanese callygraphy brushed symbol monkey human ape macaque nihongo character kanji letters さる サル 漢字 handwriting 書 手書

[Kanji] Monkey as white letter Hoodie

An animal that is considered to be the closest to humans. An animal that is considered to be the ancestor that evolved into humans. Japanese says Saru.

japanese callygraphy brushed symbol monkey human ape macaque nihongo character kanji letters さる サル 漢字 handwriting 書 手書

[Kanji] Monkey T-Shirt

An animal that is considered to be the closest to humans. An animal that is considered to be the ancestor that evolved into humans. Japanese says Saru.

kimono clothing dress apparel characters japanese callygraphy 書 nihongo kanji letters white 白 文字

[Kanji] Yukata long sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese Kimono worn mainly in summer season and casual wear.

kimono clothing dress apparel characters japanese callygraphy kanji 書 nihongo lettters

[Kanji] Yukata T-Shirt

Japanese Kimono worn mainly in summer season and casual wear.

foods kanji charactors japanese callygraphy letters nihongo 書 hand writing shyo spicy spice スパイス 香辛料 ターメリック 漢字

[Kanji] Turmeric T-Shirt

Japanese says "ukon" in Kanji with Turmeric in Japanese Katakana.

foods kanji charactors japanese callygraphy letters nihongo 書 hand writing shyo spicy spice スパイス 香辛料 ターメリック 漢字

[Kanji] Turmeric as yellow letters T-Shirt

Japanese says "ukon" in Kanji with Turmeric in Japanese Katakana.

japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol spicy hot chiili カレー カリー 漢字 nihongo

[Kanji] curry as yellow letters Hoodie

Japanese says Kari or Karei.

foods kanji charactors japanese callygraphy letters nihongo 書 hand writing shyo spicy カレー カリー 漢字 chilli paper

[Kanji] curry as red letters T-Shirt

Japanese says "kari" or "karei".

heinous atrocious nefarious abominable characters nihongo hand writing 漢字 サイアク sucks

[Kanji] too bad T-Shirt

Japanese says "Sai Aku". Meaning, the worst.

heinous atrocious nefarious abominable characters nihongo hand writing 漢字 サイアク sucks

[Kanji] too bad Hoodie

Japanese says "Sai Aku". Meaning, the worst.

japanese nihongo hiragana japan calligraphy brushed 年賀状 干支なし 書 ひらがな

しんねんのおよろこびをもうしあげます Happy new year in Hiragana Postcard

It is written for New Year's cards regardless of the zodiac signs that change every year. 年賀状用に書いたものです。毎年使えるように干支は関係なく使えます。

laugh japanese nihongo hiragana kanji japan callugraphy brushed

笑門来福 Shomonraifuku in Kanji Postcard

It is written for New Year's cards regardless of the zodiac signs that change every year. 年賀状用に書いたものです。毎年使えるように干支は関係なく使えます。

大谷さん 二刀流 baseball player大谷 オータニ オオタニ heart shapedkanji 大谷さん 二刀流 baseball player大谷 オータニ オオタニ katakana

[Katakana] Show, hey! Ohtani T-Shirt

Show, hey! This is not exactly English, but it is an appeal to Shohei Otani. This is an appeal to Shohei Otani. It is a colloquial description of his first name

kanji japanese kanji food kanji sweets kanji chocolate kanji valentainday valentine's day calligraphy kanji brushed kanji

[Kanji] Chocolate Hershey Bar Favors

chocolate in Japanese Kanji. Although it is a phonetic equivalent, it is a kanji notation described in past literature.

cacao theobroma cacao cocoa japanese callygraphy brushed kanji penmanship characters 書

[Kanji] Cacao as white letters Dark Chocolate Bar

tropical American tree producing cacao beans. Japanese calls Ka-Ka-O.

cacao theobroma cacao cocoa japanese callygraphy brushed kanji penmanship characters 書

[kanji] Cacao 45 Piece Box Of Chocolates Hershey Bar Favors

Japanese calls Ka-Ka-O. tropical American tree producing cacao beans.

大谷さん 二刀流 baseball player 大谷 オータニ オオタニ heart shaped kanji 漢字 nihongo friend name characters calligraphy letters japanese

[Katakana + Kanji] Ohtani love T-Shirt

Ohtani in Japanese Katakana with love in Kanji on design front. Ohtani in Kanji with love in Kanji on design back.

holland character karakter letter brief symbol symbool country land 国 japans japanese kanji nihongo 漢字 euro europe hand writing handschrift geborsteld brushed calligraphy kalligrafie netherlands nederland オランダ

[Kanji] Nederlands Postcard

It is a formal Kanji character published in the dictionary.

europe japanese japonaise japonais kanji calligraphy calligraphie nihongo brushed brossé country pays republic république la france écriture à la main letter lettre character personnage symbol symbole

[Kanji] France Postcard

a republic in western Europe. It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary.

spain europe reino country principality brushed japonesa japonés kanji nihongo calligraphy caligrafía letter carta personaje character symbol símbolo

[Kanji] españa Postcard

a parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary.

merry xmas japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 七宝 ひらがな ひらがな カリグラフィー shippo

[Hiragana] merry christmas with Shippo pattern Paper Plates

Used to express good wishes on or before Christmas Day. it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana.

merry xmas japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー

[Hiragana] merry christmas with flax-leaf pattern Paper Plates

Used to express good wishes on or before Christmas Day. it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana.

merry xmas japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー

[Hiragana] merry christmas with flax-leaf pattern Button

Used to express good wishes on or before Christmas Day. it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana.

party banquet feast japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol character home

[Kanji] party Postcard

an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment Japanese says Utage.

party banquet feast japanese callygraphy handwriting brushed kanji symbol character home

[Kanji] party Paper Plates

an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment Japanese says Utage.

japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 old school friend brother 腐れ縁 日本語 nihongo characters character letter letters symbols symbol kusareen kanji brushed company family

[Kanji] Old school friend Hoodie

Japanese says "Kusare-en". It means a relationship that you can't leave even if you try to leave, but if you take it positively, it means a long-stand

japanese callygraphy 書 漢字 old school friend brother 腐れ縁 日本語 nihongo characters character letter letters symbols symbol kusareen kanji brushed company family

[Kanji] Old school friend T-Shirt

Japanese says "Kusare-en". It means a relationship that you can't leave even if you try to leave, but if you take it positively, it means a long-stand

greeting kanji love shaped love thanks letters characters symbols nihongo japanese kanji gratitude thankfulness gratefulness appreciate grateful かんしゃ 漢字 感謝 bottom of my heart cannot thank you enough

Red heart shaped thank you so much in kanji postcard

Japanese said Kan-sha. Red heart shaped thank you so much in kanji Heart Sticker.

nihongo hand writing brushed written japan japanese letter letters righteousness right righteous officer onepiece marshal navy general admiral lieutenant vice colonel captain character characters 漢字 セイギ せいぎ ワンピース

[Kanji] justice T-Shirt

Japanese said "Seigi"