Flax-leaf pattern traditional japanese desgin wrapping paper

Flax-leaf pattern traditional japanese desgin

Flax-leaf pattern, flax ornament, Asa-no-ha pattern. This is Black line pattern. You can chose custom background color. Take it easy!

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Flax-leaf pattern traditional japanese desgin wrapping paper

Flax-leaf pattern, flax ornament, Asa-no-ha pattern. This is whit
flax-leaf flax ornament asa-no-ha pattern 麻の葉 模様 traditional japanese custom background chose color ninja style kimono like

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Flax-leaf pattern, flax ornament, Asa-no-ha pattern. This is whit
japanese callygraphy handwriting symbol flax leaf hiragana traditional japan script characters letters 麻の葉 ひらがな 平仮名 カリグラフィー someone friend children hbd ハピバ バースデー 誕生日

[Hiragana] Happy birthday to Someone with flaxleaf Cake Topper

it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. You can