[Kanji] Love long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Love long sleeves

Japanese says "Ai". a quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love.

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Heart is love in Kanji. Also "i love ohtani-san" in Jap
characters japanese callygraphy 愛 nihongo japan one letter a lot of ラブ

[Kanji] many heart shaped Love long sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ai". Heart shapes into Japanese LOVE.
character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written 両刀使い 両刀使 りょうとうつかい バイセクシャル ryoutotsukai bisexality loves men women man woman two different things both boy girl sexality ryototukai

[Kanji] Bisexual Hoodie

Japanese says "Ryo-To-Tsukai".
love amor affection kanji chinese character 漢字 愛 liebe amore

[Kanji] Love Hoodie

Japanese says "Ai". a quality proceeding from feelings
symbol symbols character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters hand writing wrote written かわいい カワイイ 漢字 可愛い kawai love pretty cute childish hearts heat amor amor pitiful take care loves amare lovely

[Kanji] KAWAII pretty long sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ka Wai I". That is in Kanji and Japanese