[Kanji] indigo color T-Shirt

[Kanji] indigo color

Japanese says "Ai". In another sense also said that deep blue in English.

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[Kanji] indigo color Hoodie

Japanese says "Ai". In another sense also said that dee
indigo color chinese characters japanese callygraphy kanji 書 漢字 藍

[Kanji] indigo color long sleeves T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ai". In another sense also said that dee
character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono koioai カンジ 漢字 カラー ai こん 紺 ネイビー 藍 色 deep indigo green iro colors blacked deeply purplish color deepest purple kon

[Kanji] Navy blue color Hoodie

Japanese says "Kon".
character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono カンジ 漢字 あお 青 ブルー 色 clear indigo green colors water leaves grow plants color ao aoi

[Kanji] Blue Hoodie

Japanese says "Ao" or "Sei".
character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono カンジ 漢字 あお 青 ブルー 色 clear indigo green colors water leaves grow plants color ao aoi

[Kanji] Blue (white letter) T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ao" or "Sei".
character characters in japan japanese nihon nihongo brushed calligraphy letter letters zangyo ninja aokimono カンジ 漢字 あお 青 ブルー 色 clear indigo green colors water leaves grow plants color ao aoi

[Kanji] Blue long sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese says "Ao" or "Sei".